

Write a Book in 45 Days Book-Writing Workgroup

Write a Book in 45 Days Book-Writing Workgroup
Have you been working on a book for awhile? Maybe you have several titles in the ‘works’… or even have a first draft done but need to begin the editing process?
Do you know how much a completed, published book would serve your business, but don’t know how to take the next step, whether you’re at the beginning, or near the end, with light at the end of the tunnel?
Many business owners dream of ‘writing a book someday’ but keep putting it off.
What if, with the support of an experienced author, you could turn that nebulous ’someday’ to ‘this spring?!’
Write a Book in 45 Days Workgroup
What’s a workgroup? It’s an action-focused group on steroids and involves making committments to follow through on chunks of your project from week to week… along with coaching guidance and expertise to smooth the book-writing way in front of you.
The goal of this workgroup is simple, to give you the tools, support and guidance to help you complete a book by the end of the summer.
Feet to the fire!
During this program we will walk you through the following:
7 Concrete How-To Steps to make the book completion process easier and more meaningful
3 Mindset Shifts including the ‘Gravy Pan’ philosophy from Chapter 11 of ‘Money, Meaning & Beyond’ and how it applies to completing a book, or other project
A list of 8 highly-recommended tools you’ll need to facilitate your book’s birth (transcription, shipping, proofreading, cover design, etc.) including URLs
Your book can be a for-print book, digital e-book, or even a manuscript for a publisher you already have a deal with. Just be sure to come either started already, or clear on what it is you’d like to complete… this isn’t an ‘ideas-only, brainstorming from scratch’ scenario.
Dates and Times:
4 Wednesday evenings. Every 2 weeks.
April 25 @ 8pm EST - Kick off!
May 9th @ 8pm EST
May 23rd @ 8pm EST
June 6th @ 8pm EST
Real results, concrete completions
And yes, contrary to popular belief it is possible to write a complete book in such a short time. I did a complete rewrite of Blogwild! in a short 3 weeks, and my buddies Andrea J. Lee & Tina Forsyth finished their opus, Money, Meaning and Beyond in 45 days… if we can do it, you can too.
Sound like it’s your speed?
This 45 day program is $197.00 and includes 4 teleseminar coaching calls, a members-only learning environment, recordings of all the calls and archived recordings of a previous run of this course. Proud owners of my book, Blogwild, get a $50 discount.
