Welcome to the New Year!As we all mark the passing of 2005 and welcome a brand new year, we are presented with the opportunity to reflect and to plan. How well did we achieve our strategic objectives for 2005? How many of the items on our "to-do" list from one year ago actually made it into reality? What does that mean to our companies and to our personal lives? Where are we headed in 2006? How do we plan to get there? What will be different about the way we work this year that causes the goals that we're setting now to be achieved? Hopefully you've taken some time already to give thought to questions like these. Whether you're a business owner, an organizational head, a manager, or are climbing the ladder, you have the opportunity to make the most of the new opportunities and challenges that will come your way in this new year. And yet we all are working with limited resources. Even if your business or organization has an unlimited budget, none of us has more than 24 hours in a day. The fact that we must make the most of opportunities while working within the limits of our circumstances demands that we think strategically and act strategically. In turn, thinking and acting strategically requires clarity. We must have a good understand of our trajectory and what outcomes we are pursuing.
So . . . how are you doing?
Here are some questions that might help you analyze that:
How well do the systems in your organization align with its strategic vision? Does your organization have a strategic vision? Is it clearly communicated to every member of the team? Is it actionable? Does everyone understand their part in bringing it to fulfillment? Does each department and/or job function have measurable goals tied to the strategic vision?
How well does your day-to-day decision-making align with the overarching strategic objectives of your organization? Do you have an organizational "plumb line" to which you can measure the alignment of your departments and job functions? How is each member of the team held accountable for their decision-making?
What would be different about your organization if everyone were rowing in the same direction? Is your organization designed in such a way as to encourage this? How frequently is the distribution of responsibility and authority reviewed for alignment with your strategic vision?
I hope these questions spark something for you. This year could be the greatest year ever for people and organizations that are thinking and acting strategically. If these questions scare you a little (or maybe a lot!), then it might be time for you to do some strategic work. We're here to help you do exactly that. Contact us today to set up a no-cost, no-obligation meeting to explore the results that strategic work can provide for you! more>>
News Epiphany Consulting Provides Total Integration(tm)In the latter part of 2005, we completed the process of becoming licensed to provide our clients access to a revolutionary set of tools called Total Integration(tm). We are one of just a handful of consulting firms nationwide that are delivering amazing results to business and organizations with this program.
What is Total Integration(tm)?It is both a set of "strategic templates" and a way of working. We work together with our clients to custom-tailor and apply the "strategic templates" to their organizations. At the same time, the way of working sets our clients on a path of business mastery that is transforming their very lives. The dramatic results of this work are affecting income, productivity, organizational health, and even the personal lives of those that are engaging in it. more>>