

AndyliuteacherMaking progress on mastering your schedule

Hello, AndyliuteacherMaking progress on mastering your schedule?In our last newsletter, we talked about the importance ofjournaling/tracking your work so that you can truly see(objectively) what you're really doing.Today's Time Management Strategy: Measure the Value of Your TimeHow much is an hour of your life worth?If we're talking about your working time, then it is important tobegin to understand how much it costs you to "spend" your time onsomething. If you don't already know how much an hour of yourworking time is worth, then here's a simple formula for you to use:Take your annual salary + commissions and bonuses (or DESIREDamount if you're a business owner or new in your job)Divide it by 12 (months)Divide this by 22 (average # of working days per month)Divide this by 8 to arrive at your hourly time value.To summarize: (Annual $ / 12 / 22 / 8).Here's an example using nice round numbers: If your annual numberis $100K, then your hourly number is $47.How should you be using this information?Start TODAY evaluating what your activities are "costing" you. Forexample (using our round numbers), it costs you nearly $100 toparticipate in a 2-hour meeting. Would you spend $100 toachieve the same results you got from the last 2-hour meeting yousat in?What categories of work do you see from your time log that are notproducing an acceptable return based upon what they are costing you?This week, schedule yourself some time to ask yourself thesequestions. You'll be amazed at what you learn!

Here's something special for you: Audio recordings will be available shortly for
the Eliminating Time Debt training event my partner Jeff Timpanaro and I
recently conducted in Houston, Texas.I recently spoke to someone who attended the LAST event we conducted,and she said the in the 6 months since that event, she has used thetechniques she learned to begin going back to school! She is asingle mom and a business owner who works 3 days per week and has 2kids who are not yet driving (read: she's running "Mom's TaxiService" for them).In her own words, "I never would've dreamed this was possiblebefore I went through your training."She and countless others have taken control of their schedulesusing these techniques.

To get an idea of what's on the recordings, check out:http://www.TimeDebtEvent.comAll the Best,David G. JohnsonEpiphany Consulting, LLC Eliminating Time Debt, P O Box 5919, Sarasota, FL 34277-5919, USA
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