


How To Maximize The Power Of Your Mind - Day 6

Day 6: 'A Brief Summary'

Over the past 5 days andyliuteacher, we've discussed just how powerful
the mind is. We learned that your thoughts are the root cause of all
the goals you achieve in your life and we used this simple model to describe it.

Thoughts -> Emotions -> (Thoughts + Emotions) -> Actions

You think of thoughts which then trigger emotions and when those
two are coupled, they trigger actions that are conducive to those
thoughts and emotions.

You utilize the power of your mind again to choose what thoughts to
hold of the outcomes that result in the actions you've taken and those
thoughts then trigger emotions, which when coupled, trigger actions again
and the cycle continues.

Thoughts of Actions -> Emotions -> (Thoughts + Emotions) -> Actions

We know that unfavorable environment and circumstances are not a
factor in goal achievement. The mind can supersede them.

We discovered the structure of our mind, namely that they are made of
two parts - the conscious and subconscious.

1. The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of the subconscious mind. 2. The subconscious mind obeys the conscious mind.

We learned that our subconscious mind plays a major role and influences
our actions, immediate and habitual, without us even knowing it. Another key
point we learned was that the subconscious mind believes whatever is held in the
conscious mind.

We also learned to become aware of our thoughts and to consciously choose
them as they easily travel to the subconscious mind. We also learned that the
mind thinks in pictures. We also know that thoughts need to be charged with emotion to reach the
subconscious more quickly. We've learned how to feed our mind nutritious food
and also discovered various ways of strengthening it. So if we were to briefly summarize in a couple sentences the gist of this eCourse
and how it can help you to achieve your goals, it would be this:

If you can hold in your mind a clear picture of what you want along with the
emotion associated with it on a habitual basis, that will drive itself into your
subconscious mind and your subconscious mind will start influencing your actions
to bring that picture into reality. Remember, your subconscious believes whatever
is held in the conscious mind. It does not matter what is going on outside your
mind, only what's going on in it. Your job is to focus on what you want, feed
your mind information that it's possible, strengthen your mind, and hold the picture
long enough till your actions become conducive to bringing that picture into reality.
This will take time (remember the driving example) so please be patient.

Let's use a simple example to illustrate this.

Let's say you're overweight and you want a lean body. You hold a clear picture
of the body you want in your mind and feel how good it would be to have that body.
You keep on doing this to drive it into the subconscious mind. Pretty soon, your
actions are going to correspond with the picture you have in your mind. You won't
be tempted as much to eat sweets. You'll be more motivated to go to the gym.
Meanwhile, you feed your mind information that it's possible to lose the weight
and get that lean body. You strengthen your mind by following through on simple

All of that combined over time helps create new healthy eating and exercising habits
that are conducive to the picture you have in your mind and lo and behold, one day,
you'll look in the mirror and see the body that's been inside your head this entire time
but you won't be surprised. Why? You've seen it before LONG before anyone else
ever saw it and it's at that exact moment you'll realize just how powerful your thoughts
were all along.

The mind is the greatest invention in the known universe. I think we are all at awe
with the power that it yields; we just don't understand how it works and how to use it.
Now that you know how it works and how to use it, what's even more important is
what you do after. Will you start to put this knowledge in practice?

This eCourse has covered just a small portion in the vast field of self improvement.
What about stopping procrastination? Motivating oneself? Developing persistence?
Believing in yourself? Taking action? How can we start developing these characteristics?

My book, The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich goes into those aspects
in greater detail. It'll give you a different perspective of looking at
the many success principles you've read about in a whole new light that
will save you a great deal of time when it comes to achieving your goals.

You can learn more about the Hidden Secret by clicking the link below.


Until then, to the inevitable achievement of all your hopes and dreams,

Brian Kim
Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen(TM)18653 Ventura Blvd #542 Tarzana, CA 91356
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