

How This Event Will Multiply Your Income

How This Event Will Multiply Your Income
Interactive TrainingFirst, you will not be a spectator passively observing this event. You will have some work to do in advance, and a few items to bring with you. We are going to train you, not inform you. Come prepared to work!
How much MORE MONEY would you make if you actually implemented your sales plan? ...your marketing plan? ...if you really started doing the things that make you successful instead of procrastinating?
Proven SystemsYou will learn the same proven systems we train our V.I.P. clients to use, at a fraction of the cost! From large corporate clients to successful small business entrepreneurs, our clients are the most effective businesspeople anywhere, and it's because they execute on the things that bring them success!
What about YOU?
If you're like most of the people we've worked with, you're SO BUSY that you don't have time to work ON your business instead of just working IN your business. Your relationships with the most important people in your life are suffering. There are millions of dollars in ideas waiting for you to take action on them, but you're overwhelmed by the way your work demands your attention.
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You may be thinking: "I've tried stuff like this before..."Yes, you may have been to "Time Management Seminars" before. You may have even purchased "Time Management Systems." Here's some good news: There is absolutely nothing else you will need to buy to make our training work for you!! We will train you to use your existing systems STRATEGICALLY!! We will not be selling Day-Timers® or FranklinCovey® or any other Day Planners, software, or tangible tools. You will leave this event with the skills to take control of your time and your life!!
Why so inexpensive?People that attend our events are always amazed at the value you receive as a participant. There are two reasons that we able to offer this valuable training at such a low cost:
Group Training - our clients recognize the value of one-on-one attention. They pay us to work with them on that basis. In a group setting, we use the exact same materials, but there is reduced benefit because our attention is divided among the group. Thus, the reduced cost. (IMPORTANT NOTE: We limit this training to 27 people, because we have found that it is the perfect group size. You will not be in a group larger than that.)
This Is Just Part of What We Do - World-class, effective time-strategies are just one component of the executive coaching and consulting work we do. We believe that once you've had a taste of the results of this training, you may see value in working further with us. At the same time, further work with us may or may not be a good fit for your situation. There will NOT be a high-pressure sales presentation. We will spend a few minutes explaining the other opportunities, but we HATE manipulative sales tactics -- you will be free to evaluate the options and decide if you want to talk further with us about them or not.
EITHER WAY, you will understand and HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to implement these life-changing time strategies when you leave. Your participation is all that's required!!
BenefitsThe systems we'll be training on are from the Total Integration™ Executive Program, which is effectively transforming the working lives and the organizations of a number of executives from all over the United States. Normally, it is not possible for you to get your hands on these systems without being enrolled in Total Integration™, so this is a rare opportunity!
Implementing the systems you learn about during this event will help you
Maximize Profitability
Create Sustainable Working Patterns
Eliminate Time Debt
Achieve Focus & Clarity
To help you better understand what this might mean to you, consider these questions:
What if clarity and focus were systemic throughout your organization?
What if you and every member of your team clearly understood how to spend more time on what matters most to your success?
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Testimonials from Previous Events
"I can see hope." - Executive from a healthcare company
"You are right on." - Small business owner
